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Preservation Of the Long-Eared Jerboa

Solutions addressed towards the preservation of decreasing species has been organized and discussed between our team members. Focusing on a small rodent known as the Long-Eared Jerboa, our team has noticed the extension of struggles this species is trying to cope with due to climate change.

Initially, we will begin to address the issues by alerting the public. Advertisements (PSA's, surverys) and volunteer opportunities of the sort will allow us to better strengthen the solution. With the more help we have and the more people aware, it is guaranteed that the campaign will be able to fray against climate change. 

With advanced procedures and observations, our next vital procedure will include the genetically modification of a new resource. We will be deciding on the organism we will be letting out into the ecosystem to even out the unbalance and furthermore provide more living-supply for the Jerboa. Its diet depends on autotrophs and insects, which are also at risk due to the inability to adapt as well as the rodents do. With that situation at hand, it means that the Jerboa will also face obstacles during survival.

Can adding genetically-modified resources benefit other organisms other than the Jerboa? Yes. With the correctly calculated amount of--for example--plants or animals that are released into the ecosystem, the species in danger can look no further for a last resort in case of extinction. Other animals with similar eating habits as the Jerboa will be welcomed to use the resources to withstand the harm of climate change. It is also necessary to produce our organisms with enough stamina to also survive the rising heat. 

With this, the Jerboa, and other animals at risk will have what they need to in order to sustain themselves.

Contact Information

Feel free to talk to one of our team members to learn more. We welcome any questions and or help. 

Jessi T. - 214-XXX-XXXX

Ian S. - 214-XXX-XXXX

Maria B. - 214-XXX-XXXX

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